About Me

Hello there!

My name is Ziqiang, but like most people, you can also call me "Z". I am a classical oboist by training, and a software engineer by trade.

Outside of those, I enjoy playing tennis and its table-top variant, photography (check them out), dabbling on some problems on Kaggle, and spending time with my overly treat-driven and enthusiastic golden retriever Johan Sebastian Bark (aka Joey) - follow his Instagram to help launch him into the stardom that he deserves!

For 2024, I have the following goals,

  • Building Habits - One of the more influential books I have read recently was Atomic Habits, which encourages readers to make tiny, fundamental changes that compound over time. I started a journal to track of my habits back in 2019, but stopped around 2021 when life got a bit busy. I think this time around, I am going to focus more on keeping them small and the reward meaningful so that the habits will more likely stick around,
  • Volunteering - I strongly believe in building and contributing to the local community. Over the holidays, I have been browsing through opportunities on VolunteerMatch, which seems like a promising site, though I have yet heard back from anyone I contacted,

If any of these resonate with you, feel free to reach out!

Lastly, before you head of to other parts of my website or the internet, enjoy a picture of baby Joey taking a nap on a chair to hopefully make your day ever brighter. :)

<p align="center"> <img src="https://cdn.sanity.io/images/mguur2wn/production/e65db795ded5d9d05cbdaaba4814cc4477027658-2048x1536.jpg" width="300"> </p>